
How to Choose Your Stylist

How to Choose Your Stylist

When you are choosing a stylist, first of all, you need to pay attention to his education in the field of imageology. Professional stylists should be focused on different types of appearance and select an image in accordance with the goals and objectives of the client. In general, the algorithm of the work of a professional stylist covers various aspects of the client’s life, so it can significantly improve it after the working is done.

How to Choose Your Stylist
How to Choose Your Stylist

2. Portfolio

The next important point when you are choosing a stylist — you should pay attention to the presence of the experience in their portfolio. It is worth to note that the portfolio is where you will see the best works that will allow assessing the professionalism and skills of a stylist.

How to Choose Your Stylist

3. Communication

Work on your individual style means interact with a stylist in a very confidential zone, therefore easy access to communication is extremely important. It is best to give preference to the consultant with whom you feel comfortable and free to tell them your doubts.

How to Choose Your Stylist

4. Budget

The cost of hiring a wardrobe stylist depends on the type of styling service you choose. A good wardrobe stylist should charge an average of $100 to $500 per hour. With these varying price ranges and consultation packages, it is easy for clients to find the wardrobe stylist that fits their budget!

How to Choose Your Stylist
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